Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Let's get to know Iceland a bit, shall we?

Hallo there!! Well I was able to get a whole lot of research done while I was doing nothing else in photography class yesterday... Would you like to get to know Iceland a bit better? WELL:

One thing that I   l o v e  telling to people is that the ENTIRE country of Iceland has a population that is smaller than the city of Las Vegas. Which is where I happen to live. This demonstrates perfectly another one of the reasons why I plan on doing this- less people. I've never been one for the city, and I know it sounds stupid but.. I want a break from it! Vegas has never truly felt like home to me becasue I feel as though I should have lived somewhere else all my life... if that makes sense.. I feel like I just murdered grammar...

Anyways! Isn't that amazing?? Vegas's pop. is around 2 million people {no lie} and sweet little Iceland has a modest pop. of around  317,440. :) I happen to love that fact. Food however, is very expensive, because besides fish, dairy, and anything else that Iceland has to offer, is shipped overseas. So i'll have to remember to tuck away some extra money for that especially. I have to keep reminding myself it's not just a plane ticket there and back with some souvenir shopping every now and then.. It takes lots of the green stuffs to take a trip.... *sigh*. I need to find my job.

Once I finally figure out what 'free market economy' is... I'll explain it more... because Iceland apparently has that..

All added up, so far my trip should cost {in dollars, not euros} is AT LEAST  $1,998... at least. at least.  So pretty soon {after the play is over}  I can get a jobby job job and start saving up! 

I still feel so strongly that i can do this.. it's completely possible. Yay for the Big Adventure!!!!
P.S. Pineapple Coconut juice is incredible.

-HayliJo Warburton


  1. A free market is a market in which there is no economic intervention and regulation by the state, except to enforce private contracts and the ownership of property.

    In other words, it simply means that the Icelandic government doesn't get involved with businesses.

    I'll have to try the pineapple coconut juice...

  2. Don't let money be an issue. By that I mean to convey two points that I have learned. 1)Over-save so that you're not hesitant on spending it on whatever you want once you're there. Chances are you won't be back for a while 2) Don't let the lack of money stop you from going. Always find ways to earn and save.

    Also, you're probably not planning to go alone so consider me! Check out ryanair.com or statravel.com for flight estimations. Students under 26 can get cheaper rates.

  3. No way! :D That's fantastic! and yesyesyesyesyes please come with me. You're good at traveling and i definitely will need help.
