Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sleepless in "Spokane"

Hallo everyone! And Happy Halloween!!! It's nice to know that almost every kid in America will be on a candy high in about 21 hours...Anyway, I'm in the beautiful state of Washington at the moment, typing from my sister's house. I think not being at home has made me realize how much i really miss my friends during the 'holidays' but- It's breathtakingly gorgeous this time of year. Hard to believe all these trees are real! I try to get my camera out every now and then. I'm going to wear that poor thing out by the time Tuesday comes. I'm planning on taking my senior pictures by myself this year, and I want to get some of them taken here.

...Sometimes i wonder why I type this like people are actually going to read it......  Anyways.. Yep. Photography.

Iceland-    .. Why does it seem so far away right now? I just need to GET A JOB. I'm involved in a school production right now and it seems to be dragging on forever!!!! So hopefully when it's done i'll be able to finally land a job and start saving up...maybe having some money in my pocket will help the North Atlantic look smaller? This is not the most uplifting post, I know. And I'm sorry. I justwant to have a little more control over my life, I think. Being 18 has changed a lot of things but- I still haven't tasted that freedom I've been craving for so long. I think that's one moreof many reasons why I want to get to Iceland by myself.. just to be alone and a bit "free-er". I want to break out of the little cement box i feel like I've kept myself cooped up in for so long. .. If only for a little while..... Sorry guys, I just needed to vent a little, ...   ... to a computer.


  1. It's not as if turning 18 completely changes your life forever. That's only the case for the kids that drop out of school and start working at McDonald's.

    I can tell you right now that the reason Iceland seems so far away is because you want to be there so badly. Just last year, the Marine Corps felt years away. Just a few months after that point, I felt as if I needed to slow down and rethink my decisions, like it was too close instead.

    You'll get there, but make your current life last as long as you want. You won't get to see your friends or family much once you're there.

    Hope you're having fun in Washington.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What're your plans for Iceland? Visiting for a while, residing? There's a lot of options to free your inner self if going to that tiny island in the sea doesn't work out. If you're dedicated, FREAKIN GO FUR IT! But think about other options, other places, other things. Maybe try writing music or something? Idk. That's always helped me escape to wherever I want to go, all while residing in boring old Utah (or in your case, Nevada).

    Just give stuff a try!

  4. Well pretty much visiting AND residing:) in all honesty i wouldn't mind living there for even a few years... but i wouldn't just stay in Iceland, it's real close to England and France and Scotland andsumudderplaces so i'd want to do lots of traveling.. if only for a few years:)hah:) it just seems so fun to me!! and so worth it! Here's one thing about me: i've tried for y e a r s to write a song haha:) it's never really worked out but- i love self-learning regina spektor and death cab stuff.. and pretty much everything else i can learn:) i still think that song will come along someday, though!:) and i truly agree. i'm 'somewhere else' when i sit at my piano. strange? ...nnnnaaaaahh!!
